6 Ways to Conserve and to Reduce the Shortage of Water
The World Food Day on October 16, 2023,
Water is Life, Water is Food, Leave No One Behind
we present 6 ways to conserve water
1. Save water at home
Reuse the used water again, such as using water from washing vegetables or preparing food to water your garden plants. Moreover, avoid leaving the tap running when brushing your teeth or washing your face.
2. Consume local and seasonal food
Reducing water consumption by consuming seasonal and locally grown agricultural corps.
3. Increase consumption of fresh foods
Consuming fresh fruits and vegetables not only benefits your health but also requires less water than processed food products.
4. Reduce food waste
The food production process demands a substantial amount of water, yet over 1.3 billion tons of food waste is generated globally. Therefore, it's essential to consume food in appropriate quantities to minimize food waste.
5. Stop water pollution
Do not dispose of food waste, oil, medication, or chemicals into water drainage systems.
6. Maintain cleanliness and proper waste separation
Keep the environment clean, and segregate waste properly when visiting natural areas such as rivers, streams and seas.
Water is the source of life, food, and all living things on this planet.
"Because every action, no matter how impactful it is, can create positive change for the world. Let’s make our world a better place together."
BDMS Wellness Clinic
LINE: @bdmswellnessclinic or https://lin.ee/Z4So1yQ
- FAO. World Food Day: Water is life, water is food -- Leave No One Behind [Internet]. Rome, Italy: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations; 2023 [cited 2023 Aug 28]. 16 p. Available from: https://www.fao.org/3/cc6758en/cc6758en.pdf
- FAO. Eight actions we can all take to save water – World Food Day 2023 [Video]. 2023. Available from:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh3OheS82x0&list=PLzp5NgJ2-dK4F5K1KaKdmEzH36I2131fu [Accessed 2023 Aug 28].
- Boonyatus J. Meet the food waste fighters. Thai PBS World [Internet]. 2022 Dec 27 [cited 2023 Aug 28]. Available from: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/meet-the-food-waste-fighters-2/
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