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How to Prepare for a Tooth Extraction

Dental Wellness Clinic
Dental Wellness Clinic
22 Nov 2023


Facing the prospect of tooth extraction is an experience nobody desires. 

Dental health issues can sometimes make it a necessity, instilling fear due to potential pain, mouth sores, and disruptions to daily life.

Let's delve into the reasons behind tooth extraction, understanding how to prevent it and, if needed, how to prepare for the process. Tooth extraction is a last-resort treatment, with dentists opting for alternative methods if viable, as it signifies the permanent loss of a natural tooth. Failure to replace extracted teeth may lead neighboring teeth to shift. (excluding cases for orthodontic purposes)



Various factors may necessitate tooth extraction, including:
  • Severe Tooth Decay: Untreated decay reaching the nerve cavity, causing unbearable pain.
  • Gum Disease: Advanced stages leading to bone dissolution and tooth displacement.
  • Broken Tooth or Accident: Irreparable damage requiring extraction.
  • Impeded Eruption: Teeth in positions hindering natural eruption.
  • Orthodontic Prep: Strategic extraction to facilitate braces and align teeth effectively.

Preparation before Tooth Extraction
  • Tooth extraction or wisdom tooth surgery, while minor, requires preparation. Patients are advised to eat before the procedure, anticipating post-extraction numbness and potential subsequent reluctance to eat.
  • Complete disclosure of health history is crucial, given the use of local anesthesia and the likelihood of bleeding. Dentists may prescribe pain relievers and antibiotics, emphasizing the need for truthful communication.
  • Patients with underlying health conditions or regular medication intake (e.g., heart disease, high blood pressure) should inform their dentist for a safe and tailored treatment plan. Honesty ensures correct planning and a secure procedure.


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