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Mon-Fri 07:00 - 20:00
Sat-Sun 07:00 - 17:00

2-Step Pore Tightening Treatment

Aesthetic & Hair Wellness Clinic Aesthetic & Hair Wellness Clinic


Enlarged pores can induce concern, every time you look in the mirror, encountering uneven skin texture, makeup settling in pores, undermining confidence.



Suitably exfoliate skin cells with microdermabrasion technology, utilizing a diamond-tipped exfoliation combined with a vacuum system to gently and effectively stimulate the shedding of epidermal cells, encouraging softness and efficacy. Additionally, it promotes blood circulation, aiding in collagen and elastin production, resulting in firmer skin structure, rejuvenating acne scars, and achieving smooth, radiant skin. It can be applied to the face, neck, and around the eyes.

Royal Lift Up

Facial and neck tightening by CORE™ technology (Channeling Optimized RF Energy) with 3 levels of radiofrequency waves tailored to each skin condition.

  • Tightens and reduces wrinkles under the eyes, cheekbones, lower face, under the chin, and neck area.
  • Helps tighten pores.
  • Stimulates heat accumulation beneath the skin, promoting collagen production and blood circulation.


For more information, please contact

Tel. +6628269999

Line: @bdmswellnessclinic or



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