Group Exercise

คลินิกสร้างเสริมและฟื้นฟูระบบกล้ามเนื้อและกระดูก​ Musculoskeletal and Rehabilitation Clinic

A group exercise program in the form of circuit training is a combination of high-intensity aerobic exercise and resistance training exercises. It is a set of exercises that can be designed without a fixed pattern. Generally, it takes 3 sets at a time, lasting about an hour, under close supervision by a professional sports scientist in every workout.

Circuit training equipment

Circuit training is an exercise that combines many different postures and uses a variety of equipment depending on the exercise designed by the supervising trainer.

  • Dumbbell
  • Step platform
  • Kettlebell
  • Rope
  • Stability Ball
  • Power bag

Circuit training is an exercise that improves body composition, including body fat content, calories burned, and muscle building rate. It also helps the body burn calories better.

Group exercise program
  • 2 persons: 3,100 Baht per Time
  • 3-5 persons: 6,500 Baht per Time


Special for those who purchase a group exercise program,

You can buy Thai Medical Massage Program at the price of 1,300 baht/time (from the normal price of 1,500 baht/time).


For more information, please contact

Tel. +6628269999

Line: @bdmswellnessclinic or


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